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Unusual Modern Architecture and Diverse Interior Design
The exterior of this home—located in the Leschi area of Seattle—feels reminiscent of the bunkers from Jurassic Park. The angled garage hangers, tall glass windows and the landscaping mingling with the concrete all contribute to this very strange feel.
The interior of the house is intriguing. When inside, we’re welcomed by modern appliances and spacious rooms. The upper levels of the home have large windows allowing for views of Lake Washington. The home recently sold for $1,295,000.
Unusual Modern Architecture and Diverse Interior Design

Unusual Modern Architecture and Diverse Interior Design

Unusual Modern Architecture and Diverse Interior Design

Unusual Modern Architecture and Diverse Interior Design

Unusual Modern Architecture and Diverse Interior Design

Unusual Modern Architecture and Diverse Interior Design

Unusual Modern Architecture and Diverse Interior Design

Unusual Modern Architecture and Diverse Interior Design
Found on Fresh Home