[3:00 PM
“A Nation of Wind” is a video game featuring elements of gameplay from both “Arena Shooters” (like Geometry Wars, Super Stardust, and Asteroids), and “Real Time Strategy” games, (such as Populous, Starcraft, and Actraiser). Set in a world of floating islands and airships, the player is tasked with commanding a ship and establishing/defending colonies.
Players will be forced to deal with the bizarre creatures that come up from the lower atmospheres to wreak havoc on their airship and settlements, while appeasing the god’s of the land and eventually bending them to the player’s will. “A Nation of Wind” is currently developed by one intrepid artist, Jameson Wilkins. He is a freelancer with several years of experience in the browser and mobile gaming markets, and has studied game design and art the entirety of his life.
play free: A Nation of Wind - Desura
play free: A Nation of Wind - Desura
[11:48 PM
The science fiction writer William Gibson has not only written some fantastic scifi novels, but in the process predicted the internet, Miku Hatsune, reality TV, and a crazy amount of other technological and societal developments that have come into being. His impressive rate of accuracy seems almost mystical. Sure, he's essentially just an entertainer, but he's got a better batting average than Nostradamus, who was actually TRYING to predict the future. We may not need oracles as much as we did in the past (what with science and all), but a look into the future can be exciting and an awesome preparation for what's to come.